Thursday, August 30, 2018

 You Are the Root of Your Success
The first principle you can and should learn from Eker is that you are the root of your own success. In order to be successful, you must be successful. According to Eker, everything you have around you is the result, and you are the cause. Meaning to say that if you want a different result, the root must first change, which is to say that you first change.
A lot of people thought that all they need to do in order to get rich is to come up with an idea to make millions, and they will be rich. No, this is not how it works. If you did not develop the financial wealth files in your head, whatever you do, you will never make money from it. Once you have developed the right financial blueprint in your mind, everything you touch will turn into a success.
Therefore, you must understand that you are the cause of everything you get in your life right now. If you are living in poverty, your health is in a bad shape or you fail in your relationship, stop looking around, instead, look into yourself. You have been conditioned to fail. And the only way to change it is to change your mindset. And this is what Eker taught in his book.
Success will come to you automatically when you adopt the right financial blueprint in your head. Your inner world creates your outer world. Most people get it wrong by thinking that all they need is an idea, or a workable business, or a great team, or the capital to initiate their business, but the truth is that nothing will change until you do.
If you stay the same and still using the same lousy mentality in your mind, you will never produce an outstanding result even if you have the capital, the idea, or the team. You are the root of your success. And it starts with you.

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